Torah calls us to care for the stranger, the widow, the orphan, the fatherless - those who are less fortunate or have fallen on hard times - over 66 times.

Silver Purim bowl used to collect gifts for the less fortunate on the festival of Purim in the synagogue
Torah calls us to care for the stranger, the widow, the orphan, the fatherless – those who are less fortunate or have fallen on hard times – over 66 times. This commandment is the most mentioned topic in all of Torah. We are furthermore commanded to care for the earth that God has created and all that is in it.
Thus, we embrace the call to help make the world we want to see and know is possible. Through our time, our energy, and our financial resources, our Mikvé Israel-Emanuel community offers a variety of programs and individual opportunities to engage in social action.
Tikkun Olam
Tikkum Olam means “Repairing the World”. We aim to express this value through social action, both congregational as well as individually through our members, by supporting those in both our Jewish and our wider community who are less well off than we are.
Ladies Benevolent Society
The Hebrew Ladies Benevolent Foundation was founded in 1866 and remains active. It is doing important sacred work to support women in the community with financial needs. For more information we refer you to the pdf “Benevolent historical Notes” Please don’t hesitate to contact the Foundation if you have any questions or suggestions, email to the attention of the president of the Hebrew Ladies Benevolent Foundation
Chesed Committee
Experiencing an illness in your family? Recovering from surgery? Had the loss of a loved one? We as a community are here to support one another; not only in moments of joy but also in times of difficulty and pain. The Chesed committee is here for you. We can help with big and small logistics and needs: transportation, meals, a friendly voice, company.
The Chesed Committee is in process of being formed. Please check back for updates!
Chevra Kadisha
The act of burying an individual is considered in Jewish tradition to be one of the most holy and selfless acts because the person who has died cannot repay the kindness. Chevra Kadisha, the Jewish Burial Society is a critical component of our community. We are here to provide the loving, sacred final earthly preparations prior to the burying of a loved one. If you would like to be a part of this holy service, please contact Dennis Blanken +5999 520-8520.
Cemeteries are special and holy in our tradition. Ours are especially so. Dating back respectively to the middle of the 17th and 19th centuries, Beth Haim Bleinheim and Beth Haim Berg Altena are the final resting places of over 6,000 Curaçao Jews. It is our collective duty to maintain and care for their eternal resting grounds. Please consider donating to the Memorial Fund to help fund the upkeep of the historic cemeteries.