“To educate means to cultivate the soul.”
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

Judaism: An Introduction
Interested in learning more about Judaism? Inquire about our Introduction to Judaism course. For some, this will be a refresher. For others it will be a first time dive into Jewish texts, history, culture, and traditions. Perhaps you grew up in a Jewish home and want to learn more. Perhaps you are not yet Jewish but are drawn to learning more. Perhaps you are in an interfaith family. Let’s explore together.
Formally becoming part of the Jewish people is an incredible journey of connection, prayer, study, reflection and commitment. People have felt the pull of Judaism and the connection to our people for generations.
Adult Learning
Learning is lifelong. From history to holidays. From Hebrew language acquisition to service leading. From Jewish law to specialized topics. From Torah to Talmud. There will always be exciting areas to explore individually and as a community! Stay tuned for upcoming Adult Learning opportunities.
learn more about the history of the Jewish Community of Curaçao
Through the years there have been many publications about the Jewish community of Curaçao by various authors, many of which are available at our giftshop. Contact our gift shop for more information.
If you are interested in learning more about the history of the Jewish Community of Curaçao and the Mikvé Israel-Emanuel Congregation and Synagogue we invite you to visit and browse the Curaçao Jews website where all things Jewish and Curaçao come together.
Youth Learning
Community Hebrew School
Since its inception, our Community Hebrew School has been a joint educational endeavor of our rich and diverse Jewish community. Today, our Community Hebrew School educates our children from both Mikvé Israel-Emanuel and Shaarei Tsedek, the two synagogues on the island.
Our Community Hebrew School begins when kids start second grade through B’nei Mitzvah. Our curriculum covers much of the history, cultures, traditions, and rituals of both the Jewish people and the Jews of Curaçao in particular. Growing up in the Hebrew School, our children make lifelong friends, enrich their Jewish identities, establish a strong foundation for a life of engaged Judaism, and simply have fun!
Through weekly classes, Shabbat service attendance, holiday observances, and special events, our children experience a deep and interactive Jewish education.
For any and all information regarding the Community Hebrew School, including calendar, curriculum, and activities please contact the Snoa office at +5999 461-1067 or email curacaochs@gmail.com
Post Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Our post b’nei mitzvah students remain active in our community, both socially and ritually. Some serve on our ritual committee. Many continue to co-lead Shabbat services in exemplary fashion throughout high school.